Data Information Sheet for Mailing Lists & Events


Our Data Protection Officer is our Office Manager, Danielle Hogan.  If you have any questions about data protection, Danielle can be reached at or by calling our office on 0114 275 2157. This document outlines how we handle your data when you express an interest in our service or activities.

When you join our mailing list:

You will be prompted to complete a form on our website, providing your name and email address. You can also provide your postal address and telephone number.

We will use your information to communicate with you about Saffron Sheffield.  The lawful basis for us holding this data is consent - you can withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing via the link in the first email you will receive.

Your data is securely and anonymously processed and transferred by Squarespace as they host our website, but it is never stored or accessed by Squarespace. We have a Data Processing Agreement in place with Squarespace as part of our contract with them that includes the Standard Contractual Clauses.   Your name and email will be securely stored within Saffron Sheffield’s Mailchimp account and will not be shared with any third party.  As a part of our contract with Mailchimp, we have a data processing addendum in place.  Your data will also be securely stored by Saffron Sheffield in our password protected secure file server, which is hosted by Google Apps for Nonprofits.

If you attend an event or respond to a communication from us:

Our team members will use your contact details to correspond with you if we have your consent to do so. We also note when you attend events and any messages, emails and letters you send us to ensure good communication with you about our service and activities.

Access to your records

If you would like to see a copy of the data we hold about you, you have a right to see them.  To request your data, you can email or call 0114 275 2157. In certain circumstances, you can request that  Saffron Sheffield rectifies or erases your data. You may also have the right to restrict how we process your data to move your data or object to its use.  We will review any requests for these on a case by case basis in line with the regulations.